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Travel notes of Xi'an: the Millennium style of the ancient capital of the thirteen Dynasties
30 years to see Shenzhen, 300 years to see Beijing, 3000 years to see Xi'an!
As one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, several ancient cities have sprung up in China. However, no city has such a history as Xi'an, which has a capital of 13 dynasties and a history of more than 4000 years. Countless historical buildings and cultural monuments have been left in this ancient city, attracting tourists from home and abroad. It is just for a historical trace!

The first stop is Huaqing pool, also known as Huaqing Palace. Since ancient times, the rulers of the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties regarded this geomantic treasure land as a palace for them to enjoy themselves. It is also famous for its hot spring soup pool.

The second station: terracotta warriors and horses
The Museum of terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty is the largest ancient military museum in China. In 1978, former French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac said after a visit: "there are seven wonders in the world, and the discovery of terracotta warriors can be said to be eight wonders. If you don't look at the pyramids, you don't get to Egypt, you don't see the terracotta warriors, you don't count to China. " Since then, the terracotta warriors have been known as the eighth wonder of the world.

hird stop Huashan
If you want to go to Xi'an, you must go to Huashan Mountain! Huashan can not miss a few big points: Changkong plank road, kite turn over, ladder ladder ladder! Many friends like to climb Huashan Mountain at night and look forward to seeing the sunrise at the top of the mountain. If you want to really feel the precipitousness of Huashan Mountain, it is recommended to move forward during the day, and many scenic spots are open during the day. It's very cold on the mountain. The wind is strong and the temperature is low. It's warm to wear.

The fourth stop is never night city
Standing on the streets of Xi'an, in front of the dim lights, you can see the words "Tang never sleeps city". It is said that this is a project under construction with a cost of 4 billion yuan. It is built in front of the street, with no gate and no charge. Never night city is a commercial pedestrian street that reproduces the cultural style of Tang Dynasty. The combination of classical Tang style buildings and blurred lighting is both illusory and real, and gorgeous. Along the way, the bright lights remind people of the flourishing Tang Dynasty.

The fifth stop: Dayan Pagoda
Dayan Pagoda, as the earliest and largest brick Pagoda in Tang Dynasty, is a symbol of wisdom crystallization of Han working people. The tower is 64.5 meters high and has seven floors.

The sixth stop: yongxingfang
Tiktok, with the rhythm of the times, to see the crowd of Yongxing square, where the fire of the bowl of wine in the shaking sounds has become the daily attendance place for Xi'an punch card. This is also one of the famous food culture streets in Xi'an. You must taste some special snacks here: beef and mutton paomo, pig's feet and rougamo, cold skin, Bi á ngbi á ng noodles, qiongguo sugar, etc

Building 45, Huaqing Creative Park, 33 wisdom road, Huishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi City
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